HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 512

Fiction: Group 2
Traveling Through Time
Western Academy Beijing, Di, Cathy -, Fiction: Group 2
his is a story about a girl, and it’s not just any girl, it’s a girl name Jinny Wang.
Jinny is twelve years old and lives with her mom and dad in Shen Zhou. Jinny has a rather rich
family and creative attitude.
One winter, around Christmas, Jinny’s family planned to go to Hong Kong for vacation. They have some
relatives there that Jinny had never met before, so they want to spend the new year holiday with them, all
except Jinny.
Though, as usual, Jinny immediately started to complain. “Why do we have to see those relatives?” Jinny
muttered to her mother. “I want to go to Beijing!” The long trail of complaining lasted for the whole week,
before they took off on the plane to Hong Kong.
When they finally arrived, Jinny’s father and mother told Jinny to wait by the luggage pickup place while
they go and do some errands. As Jinny was reading a book about time traveling, she noticed something
strange. There was a weird blue light somewhere far away, but it seemed as if she’s the only one that can see
it. People just keep passing by, without noticing, more like walking right through it! Jinny blinked her eyes
several times and searched for that light again, but it was gone. ‘How unusual!’ Jinny thought.
After her parents had finish doing their errands, they got their luggage and went straight to their relative’s
house by taxi. It was around 11:25 PM when they finally unpacked and got ready for bed.
“Good night sweetie” Said Jinny’s mother.
“Good night mom” Replied Jinny.
Soon, they slowly drifted off to sleep. At around midnight, Jinny suddenly woke up with a bright flashing
blue light in her eyes. ‘What?’ Asked Jinny, still very sleepy. But as she looked around, what she saw
instantly made her sleepiness fly away. She was not in the bed she slept on last night, but on the hard
ground! There were grasses and bushes all around her.
‘Where am I?’ She asked out loud.
“You just time travelled to the past, you are in the year 1946” Said a voice.
Jinny looked around and realized that the voice came from a small mouse! “Do you mean that I just time
travelled?” Jinny asked, thinking of the book she just read.
“Yes, and I am the wise mouse of Hong Kong.” Said the mouse.
Jinny pinched herself to make sure this is not a dream. “Ouch!” She cried, now sure that this is not a dream.
“But I need to get back to my own time, 2015!” Jinny said in a concerned voice.
“Since you travelled here by mistake, I’ll try my best to help and support you.” Said the wise mouse.
“Though, there is a way of going back to your own time.”
“How?” Asked Jinny.
“There is a gem called the Pearl River Gem, it’s kept at a secret bank in Hong Kong. The gem can grant it’s
owner one wish, and that wish can be anything.”
“By the way, my name is Jinny, and where’s that secret bank?” Asked Jinny.
“Oh hi Jinny, follow me!” Said the wise mouse.
The wise mouse led Jinny to a place that seemed like a office building, though the sign outside said that it
was out of use years ago and is very dangerous now since it’s very old. They went in and soon reached a
small room. “This room leads to the secret bank.” Said the wise mouse.
As Jinny was about to walk in, the mouse stopped her. “Listen,” The wise mouse whispered “There’s
someone inside!”
Jinny hid and secretly listened to the conversation the people inside were having.
“Hey man, this is it! The entrance to the bank!” “We could steal the Pearl River Gem and earn zillions!”
“Are you sure we can do this?” “Of course! We’re the best robber gang in the whole wide world!” ……
After listening to the talk, Jinny had an idea. “They are robbers! What do you say if we let them steal the
gem and then we can steal it from them!” She asked the wise mouse quietly.
They waited about 3 hours and finally the robber gang came out, of course, with the gem! And within the
whole 3 hour time, Jinny and the wise mouse had made a plan. They immediately put their plan into action.
“Are you ready?” The wise mouse questioned.
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