HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 514

Fiction: Group 2
The River Delta's Brightest Pearl
Western Academy Beijing, Kane, Sophia -, Fiction: Group 2
tay still. Stay still.
Ella quietly repeated to herself. That was the most important thing to do during
an MRI, to stay completely still. But that day she just couldn’t. That day it was her 13th birthday,
and she couldn’t wait to celebrate! But most of all, she was very excited to tell her parents that she
was trying out for the school swimming team. Yes, of course she was missing a limb, and was suffering from
cancer, but it was her dream to be a swimmer one day. As Ella laid there, she dreamt of swimming in the
deep blue ocean and racing with baby sea otters.
“Happy birthday, dear Ella…Happy birthday to you!”
Ella was so happy, she almost cried. “Make a wish,
sweetie!” Her mom cooed. What could she possibly wish for? She had all of these sweet people looking out
for her!
Ella blew out the candles happily. “Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray!” Everyone yelled in
unison. “Present time, Everyone!”, Her mom shouted happily. Everyone quickly walked to the coffee table,
where the gifts were. As Ella opened the gifts, she thought about her parents’ reaction about the swimming
team. Finally, she unwrapped her parents’ present, as she stared in awe. “No…….. You did not! Oh my
gosh! A Prosthetic leg! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She yelled as she hugged her parents. Then, she
took a deep breath. “I tried out for the school swim team!”, She blurted. She smiled and giggled
uncontrollably. Except, her parents weren’t as ecstatic. “Ella, sweetie”, her mom began. That’s great,
But…Well, I don’t know how to say this. You have one leg, and you are suffering from cancer, I’m sorry, I
can’t let you do this.” Ella’s smile faded. She was speechless. She felt like she could explode, and she
couldn’t seem to swallow the lump in her throat. “Ella honey, I…” Her mom started, but Ella had ran up to
her room by then.
The next morning, Ella woke up after a bad nightmare. Suddenly, she realized what had happened was no
nightmare, it was yesterday. All the memories came flooding in, and she felt like her brain was about to
explode. Then a crazy idea popped into her mind.
What if she could prove to everyone that she could
swim? How can I do it?
She finally worked out all the details. Since she conveniently lived in Hong Kong,
She would be swimming across the Pearl River Delta, on Saturday, June 4th, tomorrow. Once in for all she
could prove she really could swim. She couldn’t wait! “Ella! time for school!”, her mom shouted from the
Oops! Time for school!
She quickly rushed downstairs with her school bag.
“Checkmate!”, Riley shouted happily. Ella was sleeping at her friend Riley’s house.“Darn it! You’re much
better at chess than I am!”, Ella moaned. “Alright guys, Time to brush your teeth!”, Said Riley’s mom. As
Ella got into bed, she remembered she would be swimming across the river delta tomorrow. “Um, Riley?
Can you keep a secret?” “Sure!” Riley started, “What is it?” Ella started to talk, but nothing came out.
“Tomorrow I am planning to swim across the Pearl River Delta!” she blurted. “Ella! You can’t! You’ll
drown! You have cancer!” Ella’s smile faded. “I knew it! You’re just like everyone else!” Ella ran to hide in
the bathroom. “Ella! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it! It’s just that.. I care about you so much! You know what?
I’ll come and watch!” Ella thought about it. “Okay, I guess that would be cool!” But little did she know
Riley wouldn’t be the only one watching.
The next morning, Ella woke up with a jolt. Riley must have already been downstairs, because she wasn’t
on her mattress. Ella quickly clipped on her bionic leg, and rushed downstairs. On the table, there were
pancakes and chocolate sauce waiting for her at the table. “Good morning sleepy head!”, Riley said with a
full mouth. “What time is it?” Ella asked. “About 10:15”, Riley’s dad answered. “Oh my gosh! we better
get going!”, Riley whisper shouted. “Where are you headed?” Asked Riley’s mom suspiciously. Ella held
her breath. “We’re going to go meet our friends at the park!” Ella and Riley quickly rushed off to the river,
But then suddenly, Riley stopped. “Um, I uh, I’m gonna go get a quick snack at the store, I’ll be back in
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