HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 534

Fiction: Group 2
Onto the Podium
Western Academy of Beijing, Saito, Mitsuki - 9, Fiction: Group 2
ow much longer, Dad?” called Li Ming from the back seat of the car.
“Sorry, it might still take a
few more hours,” said Dad, who was driving.
It was summer, Li Ming could feel the sun beaming straight at her, very brightly. She
became so hot that she fell asleep. In her dream she wondered where they were going. Her dad said it was a
surprise. She started to think about all the places she could go to, her mind was blown. The next thing her
dad said was, “Ten more minutes” and that’s what woke her up. She was surrounded by temples. She
looked further on, and saw the city beyond all the temples. “It looks like we went in a time machine back
into history,” said Li Ming.
“ Ha ha ha, “ laughed her dad, “Your imagination is running wild on the last day of summer vacation.
“You’re going crazy, you’re going crazy,” blathered Deng Qian, her brother.
Li Ming didn’t bother replying, she was just staring out the window. Like lightning the words flew out of Li
Ming’s mouth, when the car was being parked.
“We’re here, we’re here!” shouted Li Ming
“ Yes we are,” replied dad. They all looked at one another.
They got out and all took a deep breath in the fresh air. Mom settled the picnic things on the rough green
grass, which was tickling Li Ming’s ankles. She was going to row a boat with her dad. The cool breeze was
blowing against their shirts. Suddenly, Li Ming leaned against the side of the boat and in a swoosh, she fell
into the river. Her dad pulled her up, she was soaking wet. They paddled as fast as they could back to mom.
Mom didn’t worry because it was summer and she would dry off, but she was still a little shocked. At last
Deng Qian broke the silence and started being a drama queen, “ Oh my gosh you’re soaked!” he cried as if
he'd never seen a wet person before. After lunch Li Ming felt so much better and she totally forgot about
falling into the cold water. Lunch came along, it was dumplings, fried rice and noodles… Delicious!
On the way back in the car, the whole family was very happy about the fun they had, and all the happiness
they felt. Singing to the radio on the way back, the joy came back to Li Ming and her family. Then all the
temples weren’t in sight any longer and she could only see cranes, building, bridges more like the modern
cities. All of a sudden she had a very bad feeling… She screamed “ DAD!” “ I need you to give me a bag, I
think I’m going to be sick!” Then the feeling crept into other people’s minds and so all of them were like
flies in a jar trying to find a plastic bag. It was tucked in the pocket of a chair and mom passed it to Li Ming.
Before she knew it, something was in the bag which wasn’t very pleasant. Again Deng Qian was a drama
queen, “ You’re gross, you’re gross, you’re disgusting, ew, ew. ew!” Li Ming was also very shocked and
just couldn’t hold it in anymore. She felt tears in her eyes and the next thing, the car was booming with the
sound of someone crying. Soon after, she fell asleep, and because of the chattering of her mom and dad she
woke up. She listened to her parents talk and then heard them say, “ The water that Li Ming fell into didn’t
look so clean, I think that is why she had to do that… earlier.”
“ Yeah true” replied dad. Then at the end of the conversation they finally realised that Li Ming was awake.
“ Oh, hi.”
After a couple of minutes they got home, unloaded everything from the car and ate dinner. All she was
thinking about was tomorrow’s race. After dinner she fell asleep. She woke up and realised it was still 5 am,
she still felt very sick. She went downstairs for the thermometer and saw that her temperature was two
degrees higher than normal. She was so worried that she ran upstairs and headed to her mom and dad’s
room. She felt bad so she just decided to go back to sleep. At six thirty she woke up and felt a little better.
By then everyone was awake. She checked her temperature again and it was lower so she thought it was ok.
She went to have breakfast. Then her mom stopped her and said,
“ You look sick.”
“ No I’m fine,” replied Li Ming.
They went to check her temperature and her mom said “No.”, Li Ming headed up to her bed and started
crying so loudly, that the whole house could hear. Her mother felt so bad, because she was talking about the
race all the time. Then she had an idea. She went upstairs and took a deep breath, the door swung open and
mom said, “ Li Ming, listen carefully, here’s the deal, you go to school today and no matter what happens
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