HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 365

Fiction: Group 2
New Tales of the Pearl River Delta
Korean International School, Lai, Tsz Chun Alpha - 11, Fiction: Group 2
ello there. My name is Daniel and I live in the Pearl River Delta. That’s right, the Pearl River
Delta. That is because I am a Chinese White Dolphin. My skin is pinky-white and I have two
very long fins and a short fluke. I also have a red spot on my nose which makes me very special.
My nickname is Rudolph but no one tells me why! Anyway, I would like to share with you my adventure
on why I am here.
It all started off when I was born in the seas off the west coast of Taiwan. There is a beach where lots of
people play and swim but I am not allowed near the beach. It is very beautiful and scenic but unfortunately
there is an issue with water pollution. My dad and mum advised me and my friends to migrate to another
sea, ocean or river because of all the dirt and waste in the area. I wanted my parents to come with me but
they couldn’t because my mom had to look after my baby brother and my dad had to work as a guard to
stop sharks from entering the area. So, my dad asked whether my friends could join me instead. Many
were interested but it was important for them to get permission from their parents first. Of course, not too
many parents will allow their children to go by themselves but three of my friends were willing to go with
me to another place and out of this horrible place. My friends, the giant Asian soft-shell turtle called
Matthew, John – the grey Surgeon fish and a shy saltwater crocodile called Eric, were as excited as me. We
held a meeting immediately and decided to go the next day.
In the morning, we set out on our trip. We decided to swim to the west. On the way, I saw lots of Bull
Sharks. The Bull Sharks were about to eat me but luckily, I escaped and quickly swam away. At night, I
was extremely tired. My friends were tired too but we wanted to find a new place quickly. They swam
faster than me and I couldn’t catch up with them. I told them to wait for me but they ignored me and
carried on swimming. Soon, I lost sight of them and decided to see where I was. I jumped up and I saw a
sign which said ‘Pearl River Delta’. I saw factory workers throwing chemicals, dirt and oil in the river. I
also saw children throwing plastic bags and soda cans in the river. I was so disappointed and upset about the
people over here; it was like being at home again near Taiwan. I really wish they would stop and see the
damage they were doing to the environment.
The next day, I had to find my friends but, instead of my friends, I saw mutated fish surrounding me. The
mutated fishes had two heads, three fins or two tails. I was frightened and I thought that they were going to
harm me because they had sharp teeth and they looked very unusual. Instead, they started crying and told
me their depressing story of how they got mutated because of the pollution. “When my mom was
pregnant, she drank a lot of polluted water which made me like this,” they told me. I felt very sorry for the
mutated fish and soon I started to cry a bit too. What if I was born like this? What if John had two heads?
Or Eric had three tails? The thought was so scary that I closed my eyes and wished mom was here to rescue
I had to find my friends quickly so that we could help the sea creatures. I continued to swim to the west,
then to the north and, at last, I found them. They were playing tag but Matthew, the turtle, always lost
because he was too slow. I told my friends that we were now in the Pearl River Delta and this river was
exceptionally polluted and we had to find a solution to help the sea creatures. Matthew suggested that we
should be super animals and collect all the rubbish in the river. We liked this idea and immediately began to
pick up the rubbish using our tails. We swept the rubbish into very big nets that were floating in the water.
After we finished, Matthew carried rubbish on his back whilst Eric and I jumped up and threw it in front of
the factories. We continued this through the night. Whilst we were doing the cleaning, John asked the
other sea creatures to help us with the work and also educated them on the importance of keeping their
river clean. After several months, and a lot of cleaning up and education, there was very little rubbish
remaining in the Pearl River Delta. The water became much cleaner and clearer and the sea creatures
began to have a smile on their faces again.
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