HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 366

Fiction: Group 2
It was time to ask our parents if they could come and join us and the four of us began the long journey back
home. Once we reached Taiwan, we noticed the murky water as we got closer. It was so different from
the new cleaner Pearl River Delta. I was so happy to see my family again…even my little brother. I told
them about my adventure and the clean environment that we just came from. I asked them to come with
me. They saw how happy I was and they said yes. They said that the west coast was getting more, and
more, dirtier and they wanted my brother and me to grow up in a cleaner place.
John, Eric and Matthew also came with their parents and siblings. We travelled together and we lived
happily here for many years until they started to build one of the longest bridges in the world. That is
another story that I will share with you later…
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