HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 519

Fiction: Group 2
he heard the story about Lucy’s leg. They became best friends all three of them - Sophie, Lucy and
Lost in Ocean
Western Academy Beijing, Wang, Janet -, Fiction: Group 2
nce upon a time, there is a girl called Sushie who live with her family by the seaside. She is really
a lovable little girl with rosy cheeks, blonde hair and shiny blue eyes. Her classmates and teachers
like her very much. Sushie’s father is a fisherman who always comes back home with a good
catch. Her father loves Susie so much that every year he will catch a colourful starfish as a birthday gift for
her. So Sushie is always looking forward to the arrival of her birthday.
Sushie has spent most of her childhood years near the sea, and she has really developed a strong love for
fishing. As a matter of fact she is quite good at fishing too. The marine creatures are really attractive to her.
She loves fishing so much that she even tries to mimic the fishing movements at school by throwing pencils
into the toilet, pretending that the pencils floating on the toilet water are whales swimming in the ocean.
She is often blamed by her teacher Mr. Apple for her behaviours, but she just can’t help doing these
One night her father tells her that he will take her to go fishing out on the sea tomorrow morning. She
is really thrilled to hear this news that she barely sleeps that night. The next morning she steps into her
father’s fishing boat and starts her exciting journey. But they have been floating on the sea for hours without
catching anything. Finally her father decides to call it a day and head back home since dark clouds are
gathering overhead. A tempest is right around the corner. Both Sushie and her father strike the oars very
hard against the water, hoping to return to the beachside as soon as possible. The huge waves are swelling
around their little boat, rocking it this way and that way. It’s really hard for them to control their boat or tell
the direction under the gloomy sky. They lose their oars in panic when one big wave comes at them. Their
boat is tipped over. Both Sushie and her father fall into the water, floating in different directions. After much
struggle, they both lose consciousness and drift along the waves.
When Sushie finally comes back to life, she finds herself in a totally strange place: an island that she has
never seen before. When she forces herself to stand up and examines the surroundings, she is really surprised
by what she finds around her. Dozens of monkeys are glaring at her with wide-open eyes. She is in the
domain of the monkeys’ clan! These monkeys appear to belong to two different species: some moneys have
sharp teeth, red eyes that glare dangerously at Sushie, while other monkeys are much more friendly-looking
with dark eyes and funny smiling face. She walks towards the friendly monkeys and they lead her back to
their homes. Here she has had her first meal after several days of hunger on the sea. She also makes a lot of
friends in the monkey domain. Her best friend is a fat monkey called “fatty bird”. She has had a really good
time living with the monkeys. They often play hide-and-seek together.
But one day when they are playing by the sea, Sushie suddenly spots a gigantic whale coming in their
direction. She tries to warn the monkeys of the coming danger. Unfortunately the monkeys can not
understand what she is shouting at all. They just keep playing their own games. There is nothing Sushie can
do but watch the whale coming closer and closer. At the last moment before the whale reaches the edge of
the island, Sushie rushes towards the depth of the forest. The monkeys have no idea about what’s going on
out there until they see Sushie darting out. They rush in different directions, trying desperately to flee away
from that terrible sea monster. But it’s too late. The excited whale even overturns the island with its
powerful tail! Lots of monkeys lose their lives in this disaster. The island is gone! Trees, stones and monkey
bodies sink into the water.
Sushie and fatty bird reaches a new island after days of swimming on the sea. This island is much
creepier than the monkey island. The soil of this island seems to have the power of rotting the bodies of
whatever animals step on the island. After seeing deaths of several careless monkeys, she and fatty bird have
to be very careful when searching for food on the island: they climb to the top of different trees and feed
themselves on the fruits. They never walk on the land with their own feet. Days pass quickly in their busy
searching for food. Three months later, Susie saw a blurry shape of a ship in the far distance. When it comes
closer, it turns out to be a fishing steamer coming right towards the island. Sushie lets out a thrilled cry.
After the ship comes to the edge of the island, Sushie shouts at them for help. She tells her story to the
captain and he agrees to take her and fatty bird back to Sushie’s hometown. Sushie finally survives from this
dangerous journey!
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