HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 518

Fiction: Group 2
The Decision
Western Academy Beijing, Osen, Ingvild -, Fiction: Group 2
n between Hong Kong and Shenzhen there was a little village. Two girls named Sophie and Lucy were
about to go to the big and dangerous Pearl River Delta. The sky was as blue as the clearest water and
the weather was unusually warm with a refreshing breeze. “Bye mom,” Sophie said as she and her
friend, Lucy, wondered off to the Pearl River. They were hoping to find a couple of pearls to sell.
“WOW,” Lucy shouted “Come quick, you have to see this!”, Sophie Hurried over to Lucy. Lucy was
sitting on the ground admiring a basket full of pearls, and when Sophie came she quickly picked it up and
said “Lets go before the owner comes”. “Leave that alone!!!!!” the two girls heard from behind. A boy was
standing there pointing at the basket. “ I found them first!” the boy shouted. They started running away
with the basket, they did not know what else to do. They were jumping over one rock and sometimes
falling on the other. “Ouch!” Lucy cried, Sophie turned back, hid the basket and ran to her friend. The boy
stopped chasing them. When she saw what had happened to Lucy, Lucy was sitting down crying and there
was a little blood
running down her leg. Sophie ran fast over to her friend she tried carrying Lucy back to
her mom, but Lucy was too heavy. But she still tried. She carried Lucy far but not far enough. It took so
much time. How could she help her and get her home before it was dark? Lucy was already in much pain.
Sophie was very tired but she would not stop before they were back at the village. “Finally,” Sophie sighed.
She had carried Lucy to her house and still brought the pearls. Sophie´s mom took hand of Lucy while
Sophie ran to Lucy´s house to get help. Lucy´s mom said that if she doesn't get to see the doctor she will
have to cut off her leg. That night, Sophie was crying. She could not bear the thought of her friend having
to cut her leg off. But that night she also had a idea. Since Lucy´s family could not afford going to the
doctor she thought that she could give Lucy the pearls. Sophie wasn't sure if she should keep the pearls for
her family or give them away to her best friend. She kept thinking that if she gave the pearls away her family
would be angry at her, but she knew that Lucy´s leg was going to get infected, so she thought that giving
the pearls away would save Lucy´s leg. She had to give them away, but what would her family think. Early
the next day Sophie visited Lucy to see if Lucy was alright. She had a red bandage around her leg, Sophie
guessed that the bandage had probably once been white and Lucy had been bleeding so much that the blood
had changed the colour of the bandage.
Lucy told Sophie what she had dreamed of that night. “We were
playing on the grass fields, when a person started chasing us.” Lucy said “ You fell and hit your head next to
a small river. And you were bleeding so much. by the way we were playing with money,” Lucy said. They
both knew what that meant, it meant that Sophie should give at least half of the pearls they found because
Lucy was the one who found them in the first place, so that both could be happy. Sophie said that she
would bring back half of the pearls.
When she came home someone had robbed the house and taken all of
the pearls, except a little bigger pearl that was on the bottom. The thief had probably not noticed it. For
some reason the pearl had painted flowers, they were pink, light red, dark and light blue and yellow. The
pearl was so beautiful. Sophie could tell it was old or even ancient. She thought of giving it to Lucy but it
was the only way to get stuff her family needs. When she finally decided give it away she put the pearl in a
small bag and ran to Lucy. When she got there Lucy had a brand new bandage on witch was light red, but
not as red as the old one. She
down next to Lucy and handed her the pearl. Then she told her about the
thief and how there was only this pearl left so she had a hard time deciding what to do. They gave each
other a big warm hug. Lucy now had enough money to go to the doctor. So Lucy went to the doctor. Two
weeks after Lucy had gone to the doctor her leg was fine and she could walk. Lucy thought about the boy
who said he found the pearls and she and Sophie just took them. “Maybe we should collect a couple of
pearls for the boy who found the pearls,” Lucy said “I mean, it was kind of rude and mean to just run away
with his pearls.” Lucy added on “Perhaps he is there and we can help him collect more.”, Sophie smiled,
she did like the idea of giving back what they had taken. They went to the Pearl River Delta
miraculously the boy was there. “We’re sorry we took your pearls,” they said “We will help you
collect more.” They could see the boy liked the idea because he was smiling from ear to ear. “Thanks, I
could use some help after you took´em all.” the boy laughed “Here, put the pearls in this basket.” He
handed Lucy a basket and they started picking up shells to see if they had any pearls in them. When they
finished they asked witch village the boy lived in, and he happened to be living in the same village as them.
They felt good about saying sorry to the boy, and the boy was not mad at them for taking the pearls when
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