HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 523

Fiction: Group 2
them! They were running around the scavengers’ feet, which didn’t seem normal for rabbits. We quickly
ran back to the dens so we could report what we found out.
Huge steps came towards the dens when the sun was almost gone. Most of the other animals were already
sleeping, so none of them noticed. When the steps got closer, Bailey and I hid, hoping it wasn’t the vicious
scavengers. When the steps finally stopped, we slowly made our way out of the dens. It was them!
Bailey and I got into battle positions and waited for them to lunge at us, but they didn't. “Why do you look
so scared? one of them asked. "We only came here to make friends."
"Shh!" said the biggest scavenger.
“What?” exclaimed a voice behind us. It was Brook and Spike. "You say you are here to make friends, but
you have taken almost everyone from our group!"
"We’re sorry. We want friends badly. We hope we can make it up to you," they said.
"Fine,” answered Brook. “You can have one chance to prove that you want to live here in peace with us. If
you make the right decision, you will be welcomed into the Water Group. What will it be?”
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