HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 524

Fiction: Group 2
The Mystery of the Ancient Objects
Western Academy of Beijing, Han, Angela - 9, Fiction: Group 2
n the very top of the world, in a place filled with secret passageways and magic, lived a 10 year old
girl named Hanyijia. She lived in Shenzhen. Her parents were really rich and Hanyijia got
whatever she wanted. You might say she's lucky because she had everything she wanted but let’s
find out the real reason why she was so lucky.
“There”, said Hanyijia.
What do I do next?
She thought.
I have nothing to do. It’s really boring here in
Shenzhen because it lacks historical objects. There is not one ancient thing in this house except the stone
dragon face on the wall at the front door.
“Hey Hanyijia”, a girl voice said.
“Ah! Oh sorry, Hanyining, I didn’t see you”, exclaimed Hanyijia.
“It’s ok. Let’s play a game called catch the ring”, Hanyijia’s friend Hanyining said.
“Okay”, Hanyijia said dully. Hanyining threw the ring and Hanyijia tried to catch it but it landed on the
stone dragons nose!
“Oops”, sorry Hanyijia, said Hanyining. “Uh oh”, cried Hanyining, “Look at the time, I have to go. We
can play tomorrow” and with that she hurried off.
Hanyijia went to get the ring. She pulled and pulled and when she did one gigantic tug, the ring dropped
off. The stone dragon moved slightly like somebody pushed it! At first, Hanyijia thought she broke it, but
then a staircase appeared! Hanyijia didn’t want to go down but then she thought it was her chance to see
something amazing and so she went down.
Hanyijia heard voices so she hid behind a corner and listened. Two men were talking.
One man said, “Where did you get all these ancient objects?” Hanyijia gasped.
The second man replied, “I stole them from a museum in Beijing”. Hanyijia gasped even more.
The first man asked, “Why do we need these ancient things again? Is it to play with them?”
“You idiot”, the second man said. “We are going to sell this stuff here to get money, lots of money. Ha ha
ha…” Then something really unexpected happened, the men left and a few minutes later, people came in.
Hanyijia was surprised to see her mom, Hanyining, and the police. Hanyijia was shocked and glad so she
could spill the beans. Everyone was shocked to hear that the men were stealing historical objects from
“How do we catch them?” asked Hanyining.
“I have a plan”, said Hanyijia. Hanyijia explained, “We are going to hide the objects first, then we will have
to make fake footprints to lure the men to the police”. “Ok, so mom, you and Hanyining are in charge of
making the footprints”, “Hanyijia told them, “And the police will be waiting at the end of the footprints.
That leaves me to hide the objects”, she told them. By morning, everything was ready.
Hanyijia was still spying and the two men came back. They screamed in rage. The first and second men
were screaming where are the objects.
“Wait”, man 2 said, footprints… The two men followed them and landed in the police’s open arms. The
men were handcuffed and had to answer some questions. They were asked how they went to Beijing and
they replied, “there is a magic portal”. Hanyijia went to the portal and went through.
“It really is Beijing!” She exclaimed. The next question the police asked was,
“What are your names?”
“Jihwan and Jin”, they replied.
“So, Jihwan and Jin you two have earned yourself a reward! We are going to take you two to jail. Also,
Hanyijia, you have earned your family a free trip to Beijing! On the airplane you and your family will sit in
the first class chairs. You can take your friend Hanyining if you would like to” said the policeman. “Yes,
thank you so much Mr. Policeman”! Exclaimed Hanyijia. And so they went to Beijing on vacation and
lived happily ever after!
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