HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 528

Fiction: Group 2
The Mystery of Marco Polo
Western Academy of Beijing, Kim, Jihwan - 10, Fiction: Group 2
t was already as dark as the deep ocean, and outside was as silent as a closed library. Frank had been
reading his book. He totally forgot to sleep and eat.When he put the book down, the title shined in
the light.The title was,“ The life of Marco Polo.” Frank thought,‘ What a marvellous person Marco
Polo was!’ Frank decided that he must go to China, to find out more about him. He immediately jumped
on a plane, heading to Dongguan city, China.
Hot and humid air, red coloured low buildings, black hair, black eyed people, and fluctuating sounds were
around him.When Frank took his first step, he felt dizzy.‘So, I’m in China!’ he thought. He couldn’t wait
until he got to the hotel. He was so excited that he accidentally bumped into a person. As soon as Frank
said,“Sorry,” the person rushed away quickly. He thought something was odd.
Frank was bothered by the strange person that he bumped into. From then on, he couldn’t concentrate, so
he decided to go to bed. At that moment, Frank heard someone shout,“Fire!”The hotel was on fire! Frank
opened the door and rushed outside faster than the speed of light. He saw people panicking like mad
monkeys.When he exited the hotel, he saw a fire truck coming from the end of the road. Finally, the fire
was out. He thought something was odd, once again.
When Frank return to his room, he didn’t feel like sleeping so he decided to do more research, but he
couldn’t find his laptop. It was gone! Something was odd.
The next day, continue his research, he went to the city library.When he arrived, he asked the librarian,
“Where are the books about Marco Polo?”
“There are few on that shelf,” answered the librarian.
“Do they include the evidence that Marco Polo came to China?” asked Frank.
“I guess not.”
“Why?” asked Frank.
“As far as I know, there is no evidence that Marco Polo came to China,” answered the librarian. Frank’s
head was spinning quickly.Was this information related to the weird things happening now? If so, why, and
He rushed to the hotel and tried to find clues. First, he looked carefully at the shirt that he had on when
he arrived at the airport. He thought he could find some evidence about the person who bumped into
him. Suddenly, he noticed a piece of paper in his pocket. It was a letter. Maybe someone put it in when he
wasn’t looking.The letter said,‘You will never find the secret of Marco Polo because I will always sabotage
your research. Ha Ha!’ Eventually Frank realized why and who started the fire at the hotel, and who stole
his laptop. As he read it for the second time, he realized that there were little numbers at the corner of the
letter, which seemed like an address. He went to the address directly and ended up at a cottage. He
knocked on the door.The door opened. He saw the man’s face.The man said, “You read my letter. Nice
to meet you.”
“Why do you keep distracting my research? And how did you know I am doing this kind of research?”
said Frank, loudly.
“You will see,” said the criminal mysteriously.The man slammed the door, which made Frank mad.
As Frank went back to the hotel, he felt quite certain that Marco Polo had come to China, because the
man was trying to sabotage his research.When he got to his room, he first wondered why the man was
doing this.Then, he had a brilliant theory. In the book he had read, the Portuguese wanted to prove that
they were the first Europeans that visited China.The man wanted to hide the evidence that Marco Polo
came to China, so that the Portuguese got the credit. Eventually, this theory as backed up.The man had a
Portuguese accent.
Frank decided to call the police. But he realized that he needed evidence to show the police. So he
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