HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 529

Fiction: Group 2
decided to check his bag to see if there were any clues. Suddenly, he noticed a notebook that didn’t belong
to him.There was a name on, which read ‘Christopher’.
‘Maybe this notebook is the criminal’s?’ Frank opened the notebook.
August 17
: Bump into Frank.
August 17
: 21:00 Set the hotel on fire, steal Frank’s laptop.
This notebook is the key to everything! Frank rushed to the nearest police office and told the police about
him. Eventually, the police decided to arrest Christopher.
At the cottage, Christopher thought Frank couldn’t get him. He was an arrogant man. Suddenly,
Christopher heard a knock on the door.When he opened it, he was stunned that there were police.The
police quickly arrested him and said,“Christopher, you are under arrest.You know the charges.”
Christopher questioned the evidence.
“Here is the evidence,” said Frank, as he interrupted and handing them the notebook. Christopher’s
thoughts were twirling around, confused.Then the police asked,“Why did you do this?”
“I have evidence - picture of Kublai Khan and Marco Polo, and have hidden it under the Pearl River. I
hid the picture, because I wanted to prove that the Portuguese were the first Europeans to visit China. My
Family agreed with that opinion, though we are not Portuguese.When I grew up, My father forced me to
join the Secret Intelligent Agency. Even though I am an agent, I still think it’s the wrong thing to do.
That’s why I gave you many clues to catch me. I will return your laptop, Frank.” said Christopher.
“Thanks.” said Frank. Eventually Frank returned home because he was done with his research.
‘I guess we’ll never know the truth about Marco Polo in China,’ he thought as he closed his laptop. He
returned to his life again, the adventure was over.
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