HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 532

Fiction: Group 2
The Golden Pearl
Western Academy of Beijing, Leal-Tarratz, Tatiana - 9, Fiction: Group 2
t was a misty day, just before Hong Kong’s Fisher’s Village got hit by the Great Typhoon in 1937. A
brave and kind teenage girl, Jik-Fei, was walking down the streets by the Harbour with her best friend
Suk-Waa. She was also a kind-hearted girl. They both were 12 years old.
Jik-Fei’s mother had passed away while giving birth to her. She was raised by her caring father.
He was
very hard working, he was known by the Village people for his honesty and compassion.
That night, her father was repairing his fishing net until late, while Jik-Fei slept soundly. Suddenly, he heard
a great “woosh!”, he looked around and noticed water coming from the old, wooden door and walls. He
was frightened. He quickly shook Jik-Fei awake. He instructed her to evacuate their house and warn the
neighbours so they could escape and go up the hill to protect themselves from the typhoon’s powerful
waves. Most of the villagers escaped the Great Typhoon with Jik-Fei and her father.
After the typhoon had passed, they all climbed back down to the Fisher’s Village. They were shocked to see
half of their village gone, chaos and destruction everywhere. Jik-Fei’s wooden house was tearing apart and
so was Suk-Waa’s.
Jik-Fei went back into her flooded house and went straight into her bedroom. It was wrecked. There were
big cracks on the window and ceiling. There were also holes on the walls and they were about to fall down.
She felt very frustrated and sad. Suddenly, she noticed a glow coming from underneath her bed. She
hurriedly grabbed a stick nearby her window, kept a safe distance and pulled out a glowing object from
underneath the bed. She was amazed to see a golden pearl that was about the size of her hand and was not
afraid by it. All of a sudden, the Pearl flew up and went straight to her open hands. Jik-Fei was quite
surprised to find the beautiful Pearl was not as heavy as she had thought. She examined the Pearl for a few
minutes then hid it underneath the wooden floor where she thought it would be safe.
She then turned around to go see if anyone needed help. But what she didn’t know was that a greedy
woman, whose name was Oi-Ming, had been spying on her and her eyes had been locked on the pearl. She
probably knew a lot about its magical powers and wanted it very badly so she thought about how she could
steal it.
That night Jik-Fei and her father ate a little congee. Jik-Fei told him about the Pearl, her father listened.
Jik-Fei showed him the Pearl, then he said, “let’s make a wish while holding the Pearl”. All of a sudden
their wishes came true, Jik-Fei’s wish was to have her house repaired and her father’s was to have more
food. They looked at each other with surprising looks. That night Jik-Fei slept but Oi-Ming did not, she
kept thinking of the Pearl. Then she had an idea. The next day she dressed herself as a beggar and went to
Jik-Fei’s house. She knocked and to her delight Jik-Fei opened the door. Oi-Ming said, “Please give me
something to eat and some money”.
Jik-Fei nodded and brought her into the house.
Then Jik-Fei told her to sit down on a stool, so she did. Jik-Fei said, “Please wait here while I go to the
kitchen to get you something to eat”. “Alright”, said Oi-Ming, but after Jik-Fei went away Oi-Ming
started looking for the Pearl. She searched under a sofa, underneath a carpet, under a small table too but
found nothing. She began searching the floor and found a little door on the floor. She opened it quickly and
found the Pearl. She grabbed it and put it in her beggar’s pocket. When Jik-Fei came back with food and
some money for the beggar, Oi-Ming ate up quickly and then she rushed home.
When she got there, she laughed a wicked laugh. Not wasting time, she closed her eyes and she made a
wish. She wished she was rich and had a huge house. When she opened up her eyes, nothing had changed.
She said her wish again, nothing.
Back at Jik-Fei’s house, Jik-Fei was looking for the magical Pearl with no luck. She then remembered the
beggar and went outside looking for her. She knocked on doors asking people if they had seen a beggar
running by. One of them said: “yes! I have seen a beggar running by towards the harbour”.
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