HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 526

Fiction: Group 2
Hong Kong Adventure
Western Academy of Beijing, Key, Holly - 9, Fiction: Group 2
ark. Very dark. That was the best word for this place. It was like all of the life were sucked out of
the place. I wouldn’t call it a school at all. There was no way I was going to attend this dungeon. I
didn’t think that I would have proper education at all. The lights were off, there were cobwebs
everywhere, the bricks were crumbling down, and I couldn’t see any students. Father, Mother and I started
to pace along the creaking floorboards, our eyes scanning the hallway.
The principal’s office had very few things, including a raggedy sofa, a desk, and some crumpled up contracts.
The principal put her hands on her slightly broken desk. “A new student! Welcome to Green-wave
Elementary School. My name is Principal Molly, but you can call me Molly,” she said, cheerfully, probably
hoping to impress us. Mother tried to have some expression in her voice. “Thank you, erm...we were
hoping to sign her up for this school, but I think we should have a talk first.” The words rushed out like a
“I can’t go to this school!” I complained.
“We understand, Jodie,” Mother and Father said simultaneously. Father said, “Let’s just give it a chance and
see what happens.” So we returned to the office and sat down on the hard sofa. “We have decided,” Father
told her. Like it or not, I was going to that school.
I hadn’t wanted to move to Hong Kong. Life in Denmark was amazing. There were fun parks to go to, cool
places to travel to, and you really felt at home in your community. How I miss Denmark. But there was no
going back now. I would have said no to moving to Hong Kong, if I knew what school I was going to. I
shuddered at the thought of my new school. Uggh.
You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. I found that English phrase in Wikipedia. It means when
something is bad to start with; you can’t make your dream come true by making it better. I’m going to try
to make the best of this, I thought.
Today was my first day at Green-wave Elementary School. The uniform was a toad-green dress with the
Green-wave logo on the pocket, with an even darker green jumper. The shoes were also terribly dark
green with the logo printed out on the toecaps of the shoes. In the morning I put on the full uniform,
walked alongside the Pearl River Delta and went through the rusted gates of the school.
As soon as I had
walked through the gates, somebody called my name. She had rosy cheeks and tanned legs. Somehow she
looked sort of familiar. But how was that possible? “Hey, Jodie! My name is Hannah. I’m going to be your
buddy for your first week here. A buddy is someone to show you where to go at different times of the day,
make sure you don’t get lost, and to also make sure you get to your classes on time.” I liked Hannah at
once, so I quickly replied. “Great! Thanks for being my buddy. Are you in my classes?” Her cheeks had
gone even rosier with pleasure. “Yes, that’s how the principal chooses the buddies. She chooses someone in
the same classes as the new student.”
“I think that’s a awesome system. I’m glad you’re my buddy. Are we supposed to go to our class now?” I
“Yes, let’s go.”
We ran into the school and met the principal opening the doors.
“Hi Ms Molly!” We said in unison,
skipping by. “Hello kids!” She called after us. We hurried along the corridors. “You’ve probably met Ms
Molly then. She’s quite nice really, but when you break a rule she practically explodes!” Hannah told me.
We both laughed at this. “What are the rules then?” I asked.
“That’s easy. There are only three rules. The first rule is that if you are more than five minutes late for you
lesson, you are not allowed to eat lunch. That rule is pretty harsh. The second rule is that when you borrow
a book out of the library, you can’t borrow it for more than two days. The final and most important rule is
absolutely NO BULLYING. The teachers are very strict about bullying, so if you bully, you will have to
write an essay that is 5 pages long.”
She answered in a rush. Somehow I felt really relaxed around Hannah,
like I’d known her for years. “Here’s our art class.” She pointed to a small door, knocked, and stepped in,
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