HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 525

Fiction: Group 2
The Wonderful Place
Western Academy of Beijing, Jia, Cecilia - 9, Fiction: Group 2
n a world full of nothing, suddenly there was a slam into the earth and a river appeared called the Pearl
River Delta.
Before that, there was a different world. One day a moon landed that was probably as small as a grain of
rice. It was made out of cheese and it had a body, two hands, a nose, two eyes, a mouth, teeth, two feet, and
of course, hair. That moon was the weirdest moon ever seen. Soon there were humans. They were even
smaller than the moon. The humans landed on earth and they seemed like little ant heads walking around
the earth. They were a different kinds of humans, they were not like us. They were really not smart, in fact
they were the exact opposite of smart. These humans didn’t know how to do anything except for walking
around earth like little ants (even the ants were smarter than them).
Of course the earth didn’t have rivers, mountains, oceans or anything back then, it was just a flat surface.
There was grass but the humans didn’t know you could eat it so they were really hungry, really thirsty and
really skinny, and some even died.
But one day a gigantic rock landed on earth, it was as big as the sun. Did you know that after the rock
came, nobody died because they were really scared and everybody hid behind a gigantic rock that was even
bigger than that falling rock. So when the rock crashed into the ground everybody shouted, “Yay!” They
walked to the side of the falling rock and there was a big hole on the rock. The humans decided that they
could sleep in it, so everyone was very very happy. They wanted to get things but they didn’t know what to
get since they didn’t have any tools. One day a gigantic wave of water crashed in to earth, it made a pond.
The people didn’t know they could drink. Instead they thought it was a slimy blue monster so they never
went near it, until one day they saw a animal in there but they still didn’t go near it. At that moment a fire
ball crashed into the ground and it burnt the grass.
It was so hot that a girl looked at the pond, went in and started to sink because she didn’t know how to
swim. Even though she couldn’t swim she actually breathed in the water and found herself in an underwater
world called the Pearl city. There was an underwater castle which was guarded by underwater animals. It
was really big and it looked beautiful.
The girl went in and when she got in it was actually like hell. When she got inside she was terrified because
there were bats hanging off the roof, zombies, skeletons, vampires and mummies. She quickly ran outside
the door, but the guards pushed her back inside. It was then that she saw the sign that said,”If you come in,
you can’t go out.” The guards also locked her into a room, it was a gigantic room because the people were
big. Since she was really small she escaped out of a tiny hole and she was so quiet nobody heard her. She
quietly got out of the castle and went up to the surface.
As she told her story, the pond grew bigger and bigger until it couldn’t grow any more. It became an ocean
for the little people, and as time passed, the humans got bigger and the ocean of the little people became the
Pearl River Delta.
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