HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 558

Fiction: Group 2
The Bravest Heart of the Pearl River Delta
Yew Chung International School HK Primary, Zhong, Nina - 10, Fiction: Group 2
his was a place, where the water flowed humbly, where the birds soared freely and where the
people lived blissfully … Welcome to the Pearl River Delta (PRD), a land that, until its queen
passed away, had been considered a place of sheer perfection.
Sadly, once the dear queen had passed away, everything turned chaotic. The people's biggest dilemma was
to choose a new ruler. The queen had three sons, Dong (means East in Chinese), Bei (means North), and
Xi (means West), but they had never been able to get along with each other. The only things that they had
in common were that they were all courageous and desperate to become king. According to the delta’s
tradition, the one who had the bravest heart would be the heir to the throne. The three princes were all
eager to prove their braveness.
There was a fierce beast in the kingdom, a dragon called Sanova. He was a colossal dragon, with incredibly
entrancing, murderous eyes. The worst thing about Sanova was that he needed a lot of live creatures to
survive, so all the animals and even the humans were his prey. People hated him so much that they wanted
their future king to kill the monster in order to prove that he really was the prince with the bravest of hearts.
Sanova always carried a pearl in his mouth. It was a magic jewel, which could heal all diseases, even save
people from death. To prove that the prince with the bravest of hearts had really killed the dragon, upon the
dragon’s death, the people expected their new king to present them with the magic pearl.
Desiring to rule, the three princes set off to find Sanova. They had not anticipated what an arduous and
challenging journey they had ahead. They travelled through blustery winds and pounding rain, until finally,
they reached the southeast coast of China, where Sanova snoozed. As the three princes eagerly, but
cautiously struggled up Baiyun Mountain, an owl hooted, so they all lost their footing and nearly toppled
over. Swiftly, they grasped each other as they all scrambled to the top of Baiyun Mountain, and to the
mouth of the cave where the monster lay in wait. As Dong, Bei, and Xi tiptoed into the pitch-black cave,
the dragon caught their eyes immediately.
They couldn’t wait to fight with Sanova, but they were no match for the massive monster. Just one bash
from Sanova, and the brothers fell to the ground. “We must work together to defeat him!” Dong yelled to
his two brothers. Waving their swords, Bei and Xi agreed that to slay this monster, they’d have to shrug off
their grudges, overcome their hatred, and act as one.
“Bei, you shoot at the left eye and Xi, you aim for the right one. I’ll take the throat!” Dong commanded
his brothers. Even while asking his brothers to unite and fight as one, deep in Dong’s black heart, he was
deviously planning his next move as he remembered that the magic pearl lay securely in Sanova's throat. If
he took the throat successfully, the pearl would be his. As the three princes glared at each with their
adrenaline pumping in anticipation, they all agreed on the fighting strategy and that those murderous eyes
were indeed the weakest part of Sanova. So, when Bei and Xi simultaneously attacked, the dragon waved
his tail and swiped ferociously at Bei and Xi. The two brothers darted around on the ground, and they
successfully blinded Sanova. While Sanova roared and rolled about uncontrollably, Dong took the
opportunity and slashed at Sanova’s neck with all his might. The dragon shrieked, moaned, and finally
crashed to the floor.
“Yeah! We succeeded!” Dong shouted, but he could only hear his own echo in the cave. Looking around,
he found that he was the only one still standing. His two brothers, Bei and Xi, had both been violently
injured and lay silently on the ground bleeding. “Oh, no!” Dong wailed, as he had been the one to ask Bei
and Xi to strike at the dragon’s eyes. It was because of him that they were injured so badly. Dong regretted
so much of his selfishness. At that very moment, he felt that his brothers meant so much to him. If they
could survive, he would sacrifice anything, but how that’s possible? How?
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