HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 557

Fiction: Group 2
Other sailor: Don’t interrupt me!! So we give the tourists….
And the argument+conversation+meeting+bribe thing goes for like…. 2 hours or so. Anyway, let’s get back
to the story.
No one was in there, of course. I went into the boss’s office. There, I see a table with a computer and a
ch…… Wait a second, what’s that thing on the floor? It looks like…… a red button?! When I touched it, it
began to vibrate and ZZAP!! A huge screen appeared. Then, a man wear in a clip-up tie appeared on the
screen. After that, it started speaking, but the thing that surprised me is the thing he said: “ Mr. Arkson….’’
Then, it started twitching and suddenly, the screen said this:
Then, I see Mr. Arkson standing there, with an evil smile on his face. The conversation starts:
Me: Mr. Arkson? What are you doing here?
Mr. Arkson: (ignoring my question) Well, you have discovered my secret, didn’t you? That’s
Me: Sorry I repeat, what exactly are YOU doing here?
Mr. Arkson: (still ignoring) Since you are going to be get killed. I’m going to tell you the truth….
Me: Truth? What truth?
Mr. Arkson: 20 years ago, when I was very young, I invented the computer called the Calculation Miracle.
It’s supposed to tell you every single calculation you want to calculate. But it’s so smart that it can disobey
people’s rules. I spent many years working on it but nobody came and look at it. So I want to lure some
sailors inside, kill them, and call out that someone has been killed. The sailors I killed before are not really
approachable, so I just killed them. Then polices will come and investigate the room. One of them will
surely find the button and press it. The Calculation Miracle will appear and so I will be famous forever!!
Me: Never!
Mr. Arkson: Too late! Bye bye and I will never see you again. Hahahahaha!!
Me: No…
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